Amidst the kaleidoscopic backdrop of the psychedelic 60s, a shadowy determine emerges, wielding a devilish appeal and a penchant for chaos. Diabolik, the infamous thief, orchestrates a symphony of mayhem throughout a anonymous European panorama, pushed by a lust for wealth and a thirst for adrenaline. Alongside his seductive confederate, they dance by a world of hazard, their clandestine escapades fueled by a want for thrills and riches. However because the stakes escalate and adversaries shut in, Diabolik finds himself entangled in a high-stakes recreation of cat and mouse, the place each twist and switch may spell both triumph or downfall.
Starring: John Phillip Legislation, Marisa Mell, Michel Piccoli
Directed by: Mario Bava
submitted by /u/ben_watson_jr [comments]
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